CTF Writeup – EBE – LA CTF 2023
In this article I explain how to solve the LA CTF 2023 misc/EBE challenge with Wireshark and a bit of filter magic.
In this article I explain how to solve the LA CTF 2023 misc/EBE challenge with Wireshark and a bit of filter magic.
CTF Writeup by Frigyes Introduction This challenge was originally featured on picoCTF 2019 Description: Sometimes you need to handle process data outside of a file. Can you find a way to keep the output from this program and search for the flag? Connect to address port Solution By connecting with netcat, we are greeted with … CTF Writeup – plumbing – PicoCTF
Writeup on The Numbers challenge. This challenge was originally on PicoCTF 2019. It is now a challenge in the picoGym
Decription: The numbers… what do they mean?